
Discrimination is Discrimination

In a new ad, No on 8 has simply taken a Yes on 8 ad and replaced all references to gay marriage with interracial marriage.  The effect is a stunningly simple example of what prop 8 is all about, discrimination.  Take a look:


Attack of the bad ideas!

So...please raise your hand if you are surprised to hear that the "I was attacked by a big scary black man because I support John McCain" story turned out to be a hoax.

Yep, turns out that those of us who questioned why the attacker would go to the lengths to carve a "B" into her face would want to carve it backwards, as if being done in a mirror, were right.  It was just confirmed that 'Ashley the Volunteer' has confessed (after a polygraph test) that the whole story was a hoax.

I'm not surprised, but I do wonder what this says about SOME McCain supporters.  I'm not dumb enough to lump them all together with crazies like this girl - I know a lot of McCain supporters whom I love and respect - but there seem to be more and more people supporting the GOP ticket who will go to unreasonable and dangerous lengths to take down Sen. Obama.  There is a clear intention here to imply that Obama supporters are dangerous thugs, and Sen. Obama must be the ringleader.  When combined with the racial element, I can't help but wonder if we are all in the middle of a Harper Lee novel.  A story that takes place in the middle of a great depression?  An innocent black man accused of attacking a young white woman?  Those accusations inciting a mob of conservatives shouting "Kill him!" as if it affirms their patriotism?  

Mr. McCain, you have the opportunity to stand up and say no.  We need an Atticus Finch to take the unpopular yet virtuous road.  THAT'S being a maverick.  


Your morning Joe...

Joe the plumber is not a plumber.

Joe "the plumber" Wurlzelbacher was referenced more than two dozen times in last night's debate as the candidates discussed their tax plans and how they would affect "average Joes".  However according to the Toledo Blade, a print and online newspaper based in Mr. Wurzelbacher's home state, Joe is not a registered plumber.  He claims he is practicing under the company's license, but the Blade reports that this is illegal.  

As for Joe's opinions on the tax plans?  It turns out that the Ohio Department of Taxation placed a lien on him for almost $1200 in unpaid taxes. 

So who IS this guy, really?  Who knows, maybe Joe "The Plumber" is his wrestling name.

More here:  http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081016/NEWS09/810160418


