
On a wierder note...

I have been thinking about writing this one for a few weeks now, but hadn't out of the fear that I would be outed as the obsessive fan that I am. But hearing on MSNBC just now that John McCain went to a Starbucks this morning, I can't take it any longer.

I am now convinced that Aaron Sorkin has precognitive super powers.

Aaron Sorkin was the creator/head writer for (most of) The West Wing. I heart this show. For anyone who isn't familiar with seasons 6 & 7, they followed the Presidential race to replace President Bartlett. Season 6 focused mostly on the Democratic primary. The GOP had chosen, after a surprise comeback, an extremely experienced white Senator whose party base felt he wasn't conservative enough on social issues and who was known for reaching across the isle and working with moderates in both parties. The Democrats narrowed it down to 2 candidates who fought all the way to a contested convention and the underdog stepped up to defeat the established party elder. The season ended with the Democrat choosing another established party elder as his running mate to balance out the ticket. Still with me?

Season 7 focused on the race. The Republican chose a running mate who was hard-lined right to appeal to the base and offset his centrism. In the debates he proved to be tough and smart, if a little old, while the Democrat proved to be eloquent and refreshing, if a little inexperienced. The Republican was ahead until a national crisis that attested to the exact opposite of something he had said at the debates and the Democrat took over after that. Meanwhile, the current President began another military incursion and the two candidates had to decide how to handle that. In the end, the Democrat won and became the first Latino President, but someone he cared for deeply died just before the election. He chose a hard-nosed, temperamental, do-whatever-it-takes chief of staff, and the Republican struggled to return to post-election life while taking a morning walk to a Starbucks.

Any of this familiar? Aaron Sorkin basically wrote this election in 2006. Replace Latino with African American, Nuclear accident with economic crisis, and Leo with Grandma Toot and there's your election. Ridiculous.


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