
Discrimination is Discrimination

In a new ad, No on 8 has simply taken a Yes on 8 ad and replaced all references to gay marriage with interracial marriage.  The effect is a stunningly simple example of what prop 8 is all about, discrimination.  Take a look:


At 2:30 PM , Blogger jackie o. said...

Wow. I went to a party, and at one point people were chanting, "No on 8! No on 8!"

...dressed in costumes, rallying at 3 in the morning.

At 4:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Megan, we all know discrimination is a big issue in the debate on it. But to many of the people who would vote yes on 8, this doesn't effect them because "interracial" is so different from "same sex." What they are concerened about is

1. Their kids will be force fed gay marriage in school.

This needs to be rebutted because here, you can take your child out of the classroom if you wish.

Another issue that I think is important is that lets say, theres a couple of gay guys who have lived together for 30 years. One of them gets sick, then his partner won't be able to make medical decisions for him. Thats not fair at all. Thats another reason why Im "No on 8"

At 6:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Kind of late since 8 won but...
as a 2nd grade teacher I can tell you we don't teach marriage of any kind. It's not in the state curriculum. These people are paranoid.


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